From the Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection Part IV, Sotheby's, 19 June 1991, 998
Los 2735
Honorius, 393-423. Solidus (Gold, 22 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 397-402. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG Helmeted, pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust of Honorius facing, his head turned slightly to right, holding spear over his shoulder in his right hand and with a shield, decorated with a horseman spearing fallen enemy, on his left shoulder. Rev. CONCORDI-A AVGG Γ / CONOB Constantinopolis, helmeted, seated facing on throne, head to right, holding scepter in her right hand and Victory on globe in her left, placing her right foot on prow; in field to left, star. Depeyrot 55/2. RIC 8. A beautiful coin with a fine pedigree. Some minor scratches along the edge, otherwise, extremely fine.

Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 120, 6 October 2020, 890, Classical Numismatic Group Auction 94, 18 September 2013, 1238 and from the Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection Part IV, Sotheby's, 19 June 1991, 998.
250 CHF
1600 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 13-Mar-23, 17:29:30 CET
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